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Implementing Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT) with Tigwahanon farmers

Along with the San Fernando Municipal Agricultural Office (MAO) technical team, we introduced innovative A-frame and contour line establishment techniques to farmers in Mt. Anit, Sitio Inalay, and Sitio Sagulayan. Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT) combines farming with environmental conservation. This technology combats soil erosion and flood risks, which are common challenges for the farmers who plant crops along this type of terrain. Our team led by our Forester Rey Mark Balaod together with the MAO, demonstrated how to implement this approach effectively and sustainably. This method focuses on tree arrangement and double contour hedgerows.

We thank the San Fernando technical team for their insights and to the Tigwahanon farmers of Kibongcog for participating in this innovation. The workshop was made possible by the grant from USAID INSPIRE through the Gerry Roxas Foundation.

Photos by PEF Forester Rey Mark Balaod



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